Monday, March 17 2025

Master Thief Game

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Review: Master Thief Game is a series of computer games in the genre of stealth-action, mostly in the first person (in Thief: Deadly Shadows added the possibility to switch between first-and third-person).

Looking Glass Studios developed both The Dark Project and The Metal Age. After departing the Studio from cases in the year 2000, many developers have moved to Ion Storm Austin and began developing the third part of the series, Deadly Shadows created on another three-dimensional graphics engine.

At the moment, released the official localization of Thief II, and Thief III from "Noviy disk" company. Currently, CIS games series presented by unauthorized releases and amateur translations, limited edition Noviy disk released the second part of the series. In the world there are fan community of fans of the game, created a large number of mods to it.

All the Thief game series takes place in a major city, whose name is not mentioned in the game. The city has its own guide, protection order deals with the city guards, the population of the city is divided into the following classes: nobles, aristocrats, needy, beggars, have their own Bandit grouping, in which Garrett recognized great prestige. Also there are different groups of shared interests:

Hammerity is a religious order, whose members are followers of the cult, which is based on the worship of God to the Builder, patron of art and stone processing, as well as steel and Blacksmithing; the purposes of the order of expulsion are undead, the glorification of his deity and fighting with other groups (especially the pagans) for influence in the city; in the battle of Hammerity use hammers; Hammer also is their symbol.
Mehanisty is a religious order, entirely based on the order of Hammeritov, it has almost completely in the second part of the game. Recognize the basic building and construction material metal; worship all the same Builder, but their patron teaching arrangements, technology engineering, honor the diligence in study. Unlike Hammeritov, reached the heights of development engineering. In battle use steel hammers with a tip in the form of gear - their character, make extensive use of robotic security guards and security mechanisms. The existence of the undead and magic did not recognize (despite the fact the reverse), because by the time their lifting manifestations were almost completely driven out of their homes. As Hammerity, passionately hate Gentiles, but also cause dissatisfaction among Hammeritov who curse them as heretics. After the destruction of the main Cathedral mehanistov Soulfordž and the death of their leader watchmaster order was disbanded, and its activities are officially banned.
Master Thief Game

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